News ID: 15
Publish Date : 09 July 2017 - 12:24

80 per cent of drivers ignore 20mph speed limits

Figures show majority are flouting the tightest traffic calming measures, however the total percentage exceeding speed limits has dropped.
Eight out of ten motorists are ignoring 20mph speed limits, according to government figures. Statistics from the Department for Transport show 20mph zones are failing to work in most areas, with claims drivers "don’t believe in them”.

The study reveals motorists are most likely to speed where the limit is lowest, with nearly one in six doing more than 30mph on 20mph streets.

Edmund King, president of the AA, told The Times: "These statistics indicate that blanket 20mph speed limits aren’t particularly effective. Where they are targeted, like outside schools these lower limits work because people can see the point of them.

"But if 20mph limits are simply imposed over a whole area, people just don’t believe in them and it’s no surprise they then fail to comply.”
